Care and Repair

How To Take Care Your Jewelry

Jewelry is worn by millions of people every day, but few recognize how they can preserve their treasures by using some simple advanced planning and thought. Here are some basic guidelines to consider when wearing jewelry: 


  • Remove Jewelry During Tasks
When performing manual tasks, remove your jewelry to prevent physical damage or exposure to chemicals or cleaning fluids. Some tasks that should be avoided when wearing jewelry include kitchen work, gardening, cleaning the house and other common tasks.


    • Put Jewelry On After Applying Makeup
    Cosmetics, hairspray, perfumes and lotion can contain chemicals that can often damage jewelry. Putting jewelry on after applying these materials will limit exposure to jewelry and any potential damage.


      • Don't Wear Jewelry In Swimming Pools and Spas
      Chlorinated water can react with the metals found in jewelry causing color changes and even structural damage. As a result it's a good idea to remove jewelry before entering the pool or spa.


        • Clean Your Jewelry With Care 
        Cleaning your own jewelry regularly can keep it looking good, but be careful. You can either purchase commercial cleaners from a jeweler or make a cleaning a solution yourself. Rubbing alcohol can work wonders, but bleach can literally destroy jewelry so avoid it at all costs.


          • Inspect Your Jewelry Regularly
          Just like anything else, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. When having your jewelry professionally cleaned, it's a good idea to have each item checked and inspected for any possible problems. Addressing signs of damage, or loose gemstones will prevent any further damage or loss and keep all of your pieces in excellent shape for years.


            • Avoid Cleaning Damaged Jewelry 
            Never clean any jewelry that is damaged, cracked or broken, since the additional handling is likely to exacerbate or worsen the problem. If you find that a piece of jewelry is damaged, it should be set aside for repair as soon as possible.


              To send in your Bobby Arthur jewelry for service, please email and include the following information:

              - Full name

              - Contact number

              - Shipping address

              - Your order number

              - Detailed description of the repair

              - Copy of your receipt

              Size Guide

              1. RING SIZE CHART 

              Stop guessing, learn how to accurately measure your ring. Please use the information below to help you make an informed decision. There are a number of things to consider when determining your ring size.


              METHOD 1

              "The Paper Test"



              METHOD 2

              "The Secret Test"


              International Ring Size Chart Conversion


              Diameter (mm) BAJ Ring Size JAPAN USA & CA UK German France
              16.45 5 12 6 L - 1/2 16 1/2 51 1/2
              17.3 6 14 7 O 17 1/4 54
              18.2 7 16 8 Q 18 56 1/2
              19 8 18 9 S 19 59
              19.8 9 20 10 T - 1/2 20 61 1/2
              20.6 10 22 11 V - 1/2 20 3/4 64
              21.4 11 24 12 Y 21 1/4 66 1/2
              22.2 12 26 13 --- 22 69



              2. BANGLE SIZE CHART 


              Your Wrist Size       Diameter (cm)
              S 6
              M 6.5
              L 7